Yes, you will have full root access so you can completely customize the way your hosting environment runs.

Our main goal is to help our clients succeed, and we service businesses of different kinds. However, your business must not either directly or indirectly promote adult content, illegal activity, or violence.

Usually, we offer the latest CentOS. However if you prefer an unmanaged VPS, you can install any OS that you want.

If you want to help your business grow and boost your sales using your website, you need to attract more visitors and then make sure those visitors turn into customers. Websites we create help achieve both.

You can pay via PayPal or Credit card, as you wish.

Yes, free 24/7 support is included to all our plans. You can write us anytime and we will help you as soon as possible.

Your data is stored on a secure, clustered array which replicates your data to numerous hard drives.

Managed servers are designed for web hosting, email, and databases. You can run an elaborate online store on one and the associated database on a second managed server, host many small online sites on the same system, or use the managed server as an email server for your company.

There are hardly any limits to what you can do, even when it comes to programming languages and content management systems. We ensure that the server and all the services running on it will remain online, allowing you to completely concentrate on your core business.

Each managed server comes with a pre-installed LAMP environment. LAMP consists of Linux (in our case Debian), the Apache web server, the MariaDB database server (formerly MySQL) and the PHP programming language. We also install additional programs such as the database server Postgresql, the programming language Python, the email stack from Exim, Dovecot and Horde, and much more. You can configure your managed servers using Hetzner's own management interface, konsoleH.
This way we can guarantee that your server will be well-maintained, stable, and secure in the long term. With the managed servers, you as the customer do not get administrative root access to the system. Nevertheless, you can install many programs yourself at the user level.

Yes, you can easily change to a different managed server and take your data, configuration, and IP address to the new server. We call this a "hardware exchange." It's possible to do a hardware exchange between the virtual managed servers. Just send us a quick support request using your account